- Getting a payday loan at Cash 2 U is fast and simple. In almost every case, you can get your cash the same day. Getting approved for your short-term loan can take as little as five minutes. A payday loan is a great way to get the quick cash you need.
- Payday loans don’t require a bunch of hoops to jump through for approval. Typically, you’ll need proof of income, proof of address, an approved form of ID, and a current bank account.
- Payday loans are easy to understand. Loan terms and fees are stated upfront. You’ll know exactly how much you will be required to repay and when you have to repay it – before you borrow.
- Payday loans from reputable lenders are safe. Payday lending is a tightly regulated industry. Responsible lenders like Cash 2 U follow strict guidelines that are meant to protect you, the customer.
What is a payday loan and how does it work?
Payday loans are short-term loans that are used to cover unexpected expenses. There are times when you need some extra money before your next paycheck. Payday loans are a type of cash advance that can help cover car repairs, holidays, doctor’s bills, taxes owed, appliance repairs, sick pets, rent, etc. Payday loans are not a long-term solution but can help you take care of things when you are short on cash.
In order to receive your money, you can come into one of our Louisiana stores and receive your payday loan in cash or EFT (electronic funds transfer).
How much can I borrow?
A Cash 2 U payday loan can be up to $300 paid in cash at the time of borrowing.
What do I need to apply for a payday loan?
- You do not have to be employed, but you must have a steady source of recurring income payments to ensure you will be able to repay your payday loan.
- You must reside in the state of Louisiana.
- You must be at least 18 years old.
- You must not currently be a debtor in a bankruptcy case or presently intend to voluntarily file for bankruptcy relief.
When applying in-store:
- Bring your personal information (ID & SSN)
- Copy of a current bank or prepaid statement
- Proof of income (check stub or award letter)
- Proof of address
When will the loan be due?
Payday loans are usually paid back around the time you get your next paycheck. Cash 2 U will help schedule your loan repayment around your payday. If you get paid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, you can take advantage of a payday loan.
How and when can I pay back?
You can visit any of our Louisiana payday loan locations to make a payment in person, or you can mail us a payment in advance by check or money order. You will not be penalized for making an early payment.
What if I change my mind and decide to cancel my loan?
If you have just submitted your application or in the approval process, you may call the Cash 2 U store that you applied a loan for and inform them to disregard or when the branch employee contacts you, please inform them that you are no longer interested.
Once the documents have been signed and/or money has been disbursed, you will have to speak with a Cash 2 U representative.
When you add up the benefits of payday loans and weigh the alternatives, it’s clear that payday loans can be a good solution for short-term cash problems. Still, only you can decide if a payday loan is right for you. Before making a decision, be sure to consider whether you can afford to repay a payday loan and its fees on time.
If you have concerns about taking a payday loan, don’t worry. Cash 2 U will be here for you every step of the process. Our customer service representatives are ready to help when you need it.
Need more information? Please see our payday loan FAQs.